5 Fitness Equipment That Must be Tried by Every Senior Citizen

Lucy Brown
2 min readJul 22, 2021

While exercise is good for everyone, seniors, in particular, need to get their heart rate up and their muscles moving. Consistent exercise can help delay the progression of age-related diseases such as sarcopenia (muscle loss), osteoporosis, and cognitive loss. It also reduces the risk of illnesses including diabetes and heart disease, as well as the risk of falling. For amazing deals on fitness equipment in Melbourne, Checkout Easymart Australia.

Gym equipment for Senior citizen

However, working out does not have to entail push-ups and marathons; simple motions like walking and lifting modest weights at home can provide adequate activity for the day. We’re not here to achieve rock-solid abs; we’re here to improve our quality of life. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of the finest fitness equipment for seniors, including those with mobility difficulties.

Dumbbell Set

Dumbbells are a wonderful place to start if you want to add more (or any!) exercise to your routine because they can be used for a number of activities. The hexagon design of this neoprene set makes it simple to hold and keeps the weights from rolling away.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a simple technique to build muscle strength that take up almost no space. They can help you mix strength and aerobic training while also improving your balance and flexibility. Let’s see how we can make the resistance fit. Loop bands are a fantastic place to start, and they come in five different resistance levels, allowing you to customize your workout to your specific needs.

Exercise Ball

Balance may be improved when working on your core muscles with exercise balls. Extra thick stability ball is composed of a non-toxic nonslip substance, so it won’t fall out from beneath you. (If you’re a newbie, lean the ball against a wall for more support as you get acclimated to the sensation.) Each ball includes a convenient pump that may be used to inflate it as needed.


Most gyms include treadmills, which are ideal for walking or jogging. They’re great for seniors who don’t have access to a safe walking path or who simply despise going to the gym, and newer versions may display health data like as heart rate and calories burnt.

Folding Exercise Bike

Cycling is an excellent strategy to improve your cardiovascular health. This is the capacity of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen-rich blood to active muscles, as well as the ability of your muscles to utilize that oxygen to generate energy.

