5 Things To Keep in Mind Before You Start Work-Out as a Beginner

Lucy Brown
3 min readAug 11, 2021


Whether you’ve already started your fitness journey or are considering it, we’ve compiled a list of some of the finest things we wish we known when we first started.

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Start as a beginner

Even the bulked-up guy at the gym who appears to be capable of moving a mountain was once a novice. You must accept that some individuals are just further along in their path than you are, and that this is totally OK. Many individuals believe that they must know everything before they begin. If you embrace this mindset, it may become a total roadblock for you! Throw yourself into the deep end and seek assistance when necessary. Don’t be scared to start from the beginning!


You can only go so far with motivation. To achieve any kind of progress in your health, you’ll need discipline and commitment. Getting a workout companion is a fantastic method to be held responsible. It’s said that it takes 21 days to develop a habit, but it usually takes 2–3 months of consistent exercise to establish a lasting pattern! After you’ve passed that threshold, sticking to it will become simpler.

Be patient and don’t expect anything overnight

Persistence is crucial. Don’t expect to be able to see your abs after only one session. We only it were that simple! To be honest, it might take a long time to completely alter your physique. The actual time frame will be determined by your starting point and objectives. When following a fitness regimen, some people might expect to notice benefits within around two weeks. Make sure you nail the next step if you want to see results quickly.


Have you ever heard the expression that weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise? Yes, it is correct. The items you eat and the amount of calories you consume have a big impact on your weight loss. You can workout all day if your objective is to lose weight, but if you eat too many calories, you will never lose weight. The same is true for muscle building: if you don’t eat enough calories in the days leading up to your exercises, you won’t gain weight. It’s a good idea to keep track of your calories and weight (MyFitnessPal is a wonderful app for this), and make sure your diet contains at least 80% nutritious, whole foods and a sufficient quantity of protein.


You don’t like that particular exercise? It’s not a good idea. You don’t like that one disgusting nutritious food? It’s not something you should consume. Don’t enjoy going to the gym? At home, you can work out. Fitness is more than a pastime; it’s a way of life, and you should enjoy it while doing it! The sad fact is that if you don’t love it and see it as a chore, you’ll most likely give up. Don’t be scared to go against the grain and begin going in the way that suits you best. Find ways to exercise that you love, whether it’s mountain climbing, beach workouts, or a dog walk. The key to remaining on the fitness train is to appreciate the journey rather than simply focusing about the final objective.

